Acupuncture is an ancient form of holistic medicine used for thousands of years in the East. Traditional Chinese Medicine sees the body, mind and spirit as one. We look for disharmonies in the body, rather than the disease model. The theory is based on the five elements which exist not only in nature, but in our bodies as well: earth, metal, water, wood, and fire. When one element is out of balance, it effects the whole. We look for the root cause of the symptom and gently use acupuncture and herbal medicine to trigger the body to heal itself. Your body contains amazing intelligence that we tap into through the 12 channels that run all throughout your body, essence and being. The stress of everyday life effects the flow of qi in the body, causing either a deficiency pattern or an excess pattern. After doing a thorough intake with the client, we begin to see how their body and emotional or spiritual wellbeing needs support. The process is like the opening of a lotus flower, peeling back one petal at a time until we access the root cause.
If you have any questions about how acupuncture may be able to help you, please contact Heather directly. She will be glad to talk with you.